Below is a video showing the spatio-temporal activity patterns in response to artificial and natural stimuli. These beautiful recordings were realized by Dirk Jancke in his laboratory. We compared the activity patterns evoked by natural movies to those evoked by artificial stimuli (such as for example moving edges) that are typically used in physiological experiments.
We are the first research group recording cortical large-scale activity patterns in response to natural movies using the method of voltage-sensitive dye imaging.
Voltage-sensitive dye imaging during natural and artificial conditions. The first column depicts stimuli as shown during the experiment: drifting square gratings (rows 1 and 2) and natural movies recorded by cats (rows 3 and 4). Colored rectangles indicate the position of receptive fields hand-mapped at each penetration site, symbolized with a color-matching circle in the second column. Evoked optical imaging signals caused by these stimuli are depicted in the second column. The scale bar represents 1 mm across cortex. Note that the color code has different scales across different conditions. The third column depicts the time course of spatially averaged activity. The strength of motion flow field is represented in the last column.